Bladder & Bowel

There are so many topics that many of us struggle with talking about openly. Think about the topics we give silly names to. Why else would we call urine #1 and feces #2? We tend to ignore these two bodily functions and it is to our own detriment. How many people have become seriously ill or have died because they were too embarrassed to see a health care practitioner? Let’s now add disability to the urine and feces mix… and it’s a whole other bag. Pun intended. Many disabilities impact the function of the bladder and bowel. Some people need to use catheters, manage a bowel routine or use an colostomy bag. This is a place for peers to share information on how they manage their bladder and bowel function and to discuss the supplies needed.

Please Note: we may include our names on these pages, everyone else will be identified as “Contributor” or “Peer” unless express permission has been given. If you have any comments or feedback on anything posted, please contact us.

How I Sterilize Catheters, by Wallace.

How I Sterilize Catheters, by Wallace

Melanie & Wallace: We created this video two years ago. We held off on posting it, hoping that the #peeforfree campaign would educate and change the minds of the powers that be, giving free access to the supplies needed to empty our bladders. If people, who do not rely on catheters, went into a public bathroom and had to pay to use a stall, there would be an uproar. What if they outfitted the bathroom in your house with a pay for service? So... until that magical day comes, all of us use strategies to stretch our resources. This is just one idea - and it may or may not work for you.

We are looking for other strategies too! Contact us to share how you manage your bladder and bowel routines.

Subject: SCI Supply Inc.

Posted: June 8th, 2023

The image is of a white rectangle (landscape mode) with the text "SCI Supply Inc." and 3 small images. An orange box with an image of kidneys, a boue box with an iamge of a stomach and a green box with an image of a bandage.

SCI Supply Inc.

Melanie: Wallace and I like to add links to companies that friends/peers recommend. Our friend, Sheri Roberts (ILWR) talked about SCI Supply during a peer chat recently (run by Mike Johnston in Collingwood). I asked her to write about why she recommends them.

Sheri Roberts: Bladder and bowel care is such a personal topic and having a company that you can truly trust working with you to purchase products from, is so important. SCI Supply is owned and operated by an individual with a spinal cord injury who lives it every day and also has an incredible understanding of the products disabled folks need to use daily. They provide customized, personal service at a great price!