
This is where we will post upcoming events that we are involved with, or that we are just interested in. Post-event, if it is recorded and we are given a copy, we will post a link on the most relevant page. Let us know of any events you think we should share with the community.

Please Note: we may include our names on these pages, everyone else will be identified as “Contributor” or “Peer” unless express permission has been given. If you have any comments or feedback on anything posted, please contact us.

Event: Independent Living Waterloo Region (ILWR) and t6talk present “Staying Well Together”

When: Bi-Weekly, Wednesdays at 2:30 pm EST (ON time). Upcoming 2024 dates: September 4th, October 2nd & 16th, November 13th & 27th, December 11th . 2025 dates: January 8th & 22nd.

Cancellations: The above dates may change. We will try to keep this up to date.

Canadian Time Zones - Start: Pacific 11:30am, Mountain 12:30pm, Central 1:30pm, Eastern 2:30pm, Atlantic 3:30pm

Location: Virtual

ILWR and t6talk logos and the text Independent Living Waterloo Region (ILWR) & t6talk "Staying Well Together".

Staying Well Together

Wallace & Melanie: Join Sheri from Independent Living Waterloo Region (ILWR) and us, Wallace and Melanie, every other Wednesday for "Staying Well Together - Mental Health Wellness Sessions with Wallace and Melanie". Like the VDRC events (posted above), these bi-weekly sessions are a mix of Scheduled Topics and Open Forums.

If you want to know what the bi-weekly topics will be, or if it is an open forum, sign up for Sheri’s ILWR Weekly Activity E-Blast. Click HERE to sign up.

We are in Ontario. But we invite people from everywhere and anywhere to join.

Come hang out with us!

Note: As always, participation is welcomed, but not required. Join with or without your camera on. These sessions are NOT recorded.

ILWR: Wallace and Melanie from t6talk will be joining us every other week to lead open, honest, candid conversations about all things mental wellness related. People with disabilities have a unique set of concerns and this can lead to extra stress, anxiety, depression etc. Join us in a safe, peer-support centered conversation about how to manage many of the mental wellness issues we may face.

Join us every other Wednesday at 2:30 pm EST (11:30 am PST). You can join in by clicking on ZOOM Link below, OR CALL 1.833.955.1088, entering the Meeting ID 867 7306 8864 AND hit the pound key (#). No password needed.

If there are any issues, email Sheri Roberts at

Event: Online Integrated Behavioural Change & Physical Activity Program

When: Ongoing

Location: Virtual

Online Integrated Behavioural Change & Physical Activity Program

Melanie: Melanie: Wallace works for Lawson Health Research in London Ontario. They combine the theoretical with the practical by taking research studies and creating programs to address the gaps identified. They are currently recruiting for their Online Integrated Behavioural Change & Physical Activity Program .The study has been running with much success. Well worth checking out!

Poster Alt Text: Piloting an online integrated behavioural change and physical activity program. Who can participate? People with neurological conditions living in the community. What is involved? Participate in weekly online group-based physical activity sessions.Engage in weekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions. what are the benefits? Improve overall wellbeing. Develop skills for long-term engagement in physical activity. Meet like-minded people and develop a sense of community. For More Information on this study, email Rebecca Todd, There are logos across the bottom of the poster for Lawson Health Research, St Joseph's Health Care London, Western University Canada, RehabPsychLab and Research 2 Practice.

Event: Exploring Relations Between Adults with SCI and Their Romantic Partners Survey

When: Open now

Location: Online

Shows the yellow communication poster used to invite people  to participate in the study.

SCI Relationship Study

Wallace & Melanie: “Exploring Relations Between Adults with Spinal Cord Injury and Their Romantic Partner” is a study that is currently underway. If you have the time, please consider participating.

Their website states: The purpose of this unique study is to examine adults with spinal cord injury and their romantic partner's impressions towards intimacy, sexuality, and relationship satisfaction through survey-based questionnaires. This study is conducted in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, McGill University, The University of British Colombia Okanogan, and Spinal Cord Injury BC with funding from the Craig H Neilsen Foundation Psychosocial Postdoctoral Fellowship Award.

Dr. M Rocchi, Dr. S Sweet and Dr. H Gainforth