Aging With A Disability

With aging comes challenges, this is especially so for those of us living with a disability (or disabilities). This page is dedicated to sharing stories, questions and concerns about aging with peers in the community. What can we do to lessen the impact of aging? This is an opportunity to share preventative measures and strategies for aging so that we can continue to thrive and enjoy our lives.

Please Note: we may include our names on these pages, everyone else will be identified as “Contributor” or “Peer” unless express permission has been given. If you have any comments or feedback on anything posted, please contact us.

Subject: SCI Canada: Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury: What Can You Expect? by Lisa Bendall

Posted: May 6, 2022

An outdoor action shot of an older, white man wearing a blue sweater about to catch a ball in his mitt.

SCI Canada: Aging with a Spinal Cord Injury: What Can You Expect? by Lisa Bendall

Melanie: Came across this blog by Lisa Bendall and decided to add it to this page.

Lisa Bendall: "(A) British study that tracked more than 5,000 people over seven decades found that, since 2010, life expectancy seemed to be inching up again – higher than it’s ever been." and "(This) means we’re in relatively uncharted territory, as more people than ever before are aging with their spinal cord injury. A lot has been discovered, but there’s still more to learn."

CALL OUT!!! Share your AGING experience with peers… we want to hear from you… contact us.

Subject: 3 Wheeled Compact Walkers and Aunt Catherine's Independence

Posted: November 15, 2021

3 Wheeled Compact Walkers and Aunt Catherine's Independence

Melanie: As an able bodied person, there are times when I have been met with temporary physical disabilities. As I get older, I look around me to see what others are doing to maintain their independence as they age. The more we share what works for us, the more it can help others find solutions that work for them. My Aunt Catherine is a good example of what it means to be pragmatic, creative and independent at 84 years of age. Due to previous injuries, surgeries and the natural aging process, she has modified her home to suit her needs by removing tripping hazards and by utilizing a three wheel walker (or “rollator”). I asked if she would share a "testimonial" with us...

Aunt Catherine: I first saw a Drive compact 3 wheel walker when I watched a person wind their way easily through a crowded waiting room at a doctor's office. I immediately asked them for information about the walker and purchased two. One for the main floor, which makes sharing the kitchen space possible, and one for the upstairs, as it fits so easily through the bathroom door. I have since purchased a third, which stays in the car at all times. A Drive compact walker is light as a feather, so shopping on my own is a pleasure. You can put a thermos of coffee, mugs and some muffins in the carrier part and easily serve refreshments indoors or out. My compact walkers make an active life possible, and I would not want to be without them.

Melanie: Having done a look online, it appears that there are several options and manufacturers of 3 wheel compact walkers. Send us your testimonials about devices you use to maintain your active life.

Subject: Aging and Mental Health for People with Spinal Cord Injury (Wallace Upper's Story)

Posted: June 14, 2021

The image show Walace wearing a bandana over his head and wearing a pink floral apron while dipping tuna steaks into a plate of seaoning in the kitchen.

Aging and Mental Health

Wallace: I was asked by Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO), if I would be interested in sharing my experience with aging and mental health. Sharing with peers is so important, so I like to share when I am able to do so. Using the videos and photos I supplied, Nancy Xia​, an Information and Resource Specialist for SCIO, put together this great video called "Aging and Mental Health for People with Spinal Cord Injury (Wallace Upper's Story)".

As always… we would love to hear from you and learn about your experiences.

Subject: Weight Gain & Digestive Issues

Posted: Posted Feb 19, 2021

An image of a weigh scale.

Weight Gain & Digestive Issues

Contributor: Over the past few years I have gained a lot of weight. In addition, I have been struggling for a number of years with increasing gastroparesis (partial paralysis of the stomach). It has been brought to my attention that these are common issues for individuals who are aging with a long-term SCI. Has anyone else been dealing with the same experience? If so, what have you done about it?